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Monday, January 18, 2016

My experience so far on Plexus: 10 days in

I am a bit behind on posting about my Plexus slim experience. I have been taking notes daily, but have not had time to blog. So, here is what I have experienced so far after starting on Friday 1/8/16:

Day 1: No effects from the pink drink.

Day 2: I had severe cramping and glassiness this evening, from my research this could be due to detoxification. I was still lethargic and slept in till 1pm! I hate being tired!

Day 3: I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm went off, I hit the snooze like usual but did not feel like I needed sleep, so I got up! This could be due to the drink or the fact that I slept so much the day before, we will see if this continues.

Day 4: Woke up 1.5 hours before my alarm!!! I am finally getting my energy back! I didn't feel the need to sleep any more and was able to get some of the items packaged that I sell online and get to the post office before work. My motivation is back!

Still feeling like I need a small nap mid day, but not as tired as usual.

Day 5: same as day 4, except no fatigue mid day!

Day 6-8: I caught a cold that was going around :( kind of messes up my experiment since I feel sick and can't tell if the Plexus is doing anything for me. However, despite feeling horrible I was still able to make myself go to work.

Day 9: Still getting over being sick :( I decided to take nigh-quail and sleep all day so I can work tomorrow.

Day 10: Feeling better but still a bit of a stuffy nose and sore throat. Was able to work all day without feeling miserable. Hopefully this cold will pass so I can continue to monitor how plexus is effecting me accurately. 

I got in my TRI-Plex last week but due to being sick I haven't started it yet. I am starting today and will update on it's effects tomorrow along with a weight and measurement update!

Do you want to join me in my experiment? Start your Plexus journey, Order your Plexus Slim today!


Become a Plexus Ambassador, and get all your products at wholesale and even make a little extra money on the side!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Ailments, Weight and Measurements

So, prior to starting my Pink Drink Experiment I decided to list any health problems I currently have as well as my weight, BMI, and waist measurement. 
I will update weekly, or more if I feel I need to report something to you that has changed.

Weight: 203 lbs
Height: 5'8"
BMI: 30.9
Waist: 41.75 in
Pant Size: 16


  • Seborrheic dermatitis on the Head: dry scalp, with pimple type bumps and severe itching. Commonly caused by yeast malassezia, which can be more common in people with allergies. I found that allergy meds reduce this issue, but would like to stop taking daily meds...
*for the sake of this experiment I have stopped taking my allergy meds, but will continue to take decongestants and OTC Pain relievers as needed.
  • Seasonal allergies (during every season): I always have a stuffy nose, itchy/watery eyes and sinus pressure in my nose, behind my eyes and in my ears.
  • Chronic sinus infections: commonly due to allergies.
  • Oily/dry flaky face
  • Acne: on face, upper back and arms, neck and chest.
  • Insomnia
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Bouts of depression
  • Hypoglycemia: I get jittery, hangry, and loose focus if I do not eat every 3-5 hrs.
  • Caffeine addiction and high tolerance: I have to have a soda at least once a day, or more... much more...
  • Carbohydrate addiction: Mmmmm, Donuts...

Apparently the natural ingredients in Plexus Slim help stabilize blood sugars, which in turn helps you eat less and loose weight. It also helps you sleep better at night, gives you ongoing energy, and reduces the craving for sugars and simple carbs. 

The reason I chose this product is because all my ailments are in several ways linked to these issues. We'll explore how in later posts. Follow me for regular updates!

Do you want to join me in my experiment? Start your Plexus journey, Order your Plexus Slim today!

Become a Plexus Ambassador, and get all your products at wholesale and even make a little extra money on the side!


On a Quest for Revitalization

Hi, I'm Rebecca.

  Over the past few weeks I seem to have been stuck in a downward spiral of depression, lethargy, and lack of motivation. 

It all stated when I went back to work full time. Amidst all the running around, long commutes and busy life style of trying to juggle kids school and activities along with a typical full time cooperate employee I found my self, in many cases, without time to cook dinner at home, forgetting to make my lunches (or just not having easy left overs to stuff in my lunchbox) and hitting the snooze more and more in the mornings while decided I would just pick up breakfast and eat it on my hour long drive to the call center I worked in only to sit there all day tethered to my headset and computer. 

I became less active and ended up gaining 15+ pounds in the short 4 months since I started.

  I felt miserable. So, I went to my sister, who has been raving about how much energy she has had since starting Plexus Slim. I placed my TRI-Plex order and my Sis gave me enough Plexus Slim to last me 6 days while I waited my order.

After trying it for only a few days I was amazed at the difference it made! I decided to do an experiment to see what effects it has on me. I wrote down a list of ailments, weight and body measurements.

Follow my blog as I keep you updated on any of the effects, good or bad, my Plexus products have on me!